47:50 Is it working? talks: Annie Luciani: Wanderings - Visual and Literary Poems Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory 2020-08-28T22:46:36+02:00
09:41 TENET | Ekskluzivno s snemanja filma | V KINU OD 2. SEPTEMBRA Blitz Slovenija 2020-08-28T11:11:18+02:00
1:02:50 Is it working? Claude Cadoz & Nicolas Castagné - Haptics for the Arts Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory 2020-08-28T10:54:58+02:00
03:10 TENET x TRAVIS SCOTT | Finalni napovednik | V KINU PREDPREMIERNO OD 2. SEPTEMBRA Blitz Slovenija 2020-08-27T10:19:49+02:00
00:33 Kolesarjenje Soriška planina Bohinj / Cycling Soriška Planina Bohinj LakeBohinj 2020-08-27T10:05:13+02:00
00:30 Kolesarjenje in muzeji v Bohinju / Cycling and museums in Bohinj LakeBohinj 2020-08-27T10:03:51+02:00
01:34 Cheyenne Boyce, ETA (Malaysia, 2015) Fulbright Alumni Ambassador fulbrightprogram 2020-08-26T19:00:12+02:00
1:16:10 Is it working? talks - Locative-Media as an Art Form Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory 2020-08-26T11:52:25+02:00
07:32 Is it working? talks - Why spatial sound? Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory 2020-08-26T11:00:42+02:00
37:30 Is it working? talks - Intelligent museum Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory 2020-08-26T10:06:46+02:00
01:01 Boris Pahor ob svojem 107. rojstnem dnevu o svoji življenjski moči Mladinska knjiga 2020-08-25T15:37:29+02:00
06:56 Saška Rakef - statement on electro acoustic radio opera Iden Bunker Ljubljana 2020-08-25T13:28:25+02:00
00:51 Ivor Martinić LE ZALJUBITI SE NE SMEMO | MGL #teaser #zamujenepriložnosti Mestno gledališče ljubljansko 2020-08-25T09:00:14+02:00
00:42 Ivan Viripajev NEZNOSNO DOLGI OBJEMI | MGL #teaser #zamujenepriložnosti Mestno gledališče ljubljansko 2020-08-25T09:00:06+02:00
00:54 Nejc Gazvoda JAZZ | MGL #teaser #zamujenepriložnosti Mestno gledališče ljubljansko 2020-08-25T09:00:01+02:00